Klikovits, Christoph
Official Name
Klikovits, Christoph
Main Affiliation
Akademische Titel
Research Outputs
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- PublicationCo-Creation für ein digitales klimaneutrales Energiesystem - Partizipative Forschung im Projekt(2024-04-18)
;Hatzl, Stefanie ;Moitzi, Katharina; ; ; ; ; Forschungsforum22 349 - PublicationA Framework to identify People, Devices and Services in Cyber-physical system of systemsMany online services and their service providers require the electronic proof of identity for the secure authentication of citizens. Internet of Things (IoT)- and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)-services and devices are increasing and these are used in different areas. Furthermore, the increasing distribution of online services and IoT devices need to be monitored, especially in critical infrastructure. The proposal of a framework to authenticate and identify people, devices and services can be a useful tool to improve security and trust in CPS, linking them with identified people by utilizing and combining tools which do exist in isolation. IoT frameworks and identity protocols combined with responsible people, hardware, smartphone-applications, and certification authorities can provide secure authentication, trustworthy communication and the management of identities and permissions. This position paper proposes an IoT-framework for (critical infrastructure) service providers and public administration to authenticate, identify and manage their running devices and services as well as people, their electronic identification and sent records. This can improve the reaction time and processes additionally providing trust and secure communication between people, devices and services, especially for authorities in critical infrastructure areas, where humans and their safety are particularly important.
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