Research Outputs

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Now showing 1 - 10 of 16
  • Publication
    Evaluation of the User Experience of Interactive Infographics in Online Newspapers
    (RWTH Aachen, 2017-11-30)
    Langer, Julia 
    Information graphics are a powerful tool to communicate complex information. Adding interactive elements to infographics that are published in online media enables journalists to tell even more complex and exiting stories. However, the usability of such complex data presentations is crucial for their acceptance among readers of online newspapers. The results of a usability study of interactive infographics published in online newspapers reveal weaknesses and success factors for designing interactive infographics to ensure an improved user experience.
      486  3254
  • Publication
    A Feature-based Analysis of Open Source Tools for Enterprise 2.0: Open Source Tools for Team Collaboration in SMEs
    (KMIS 2011 – International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, 2011-10-29) ; ;
    The marketplace of Enterprise 2.0 tools that support knowledge workers within companies to work together on cognitive tasks and share information and knowledge is diversified and offers commercial systems of varying complexity and functional range as well as open source software. Like commercial systems, open source tools for Enterprise 2.0 provide a broad range of functionality and offer a good alternative for organisations – especially for SMEs. This paper presents a study of the growing market for Enterprise 2.0 systems and focuses entirely on ones that are available under an open source license. We introduce a set of 97 individual features and criteria to assess a representative sample of open source Enterprise 2.0 tools. Our results show that the marketplace of open source tools for Enterprise 2.0 offers technically mature solutions with a broad range of functionality.
      516  2504
  • Publication
    Podcasting-based Mobile Learning in Blended Learning Courses
    (ICL 2009 International Conference Interactive Computer Aided Learning, 2009-09-26)
    Blended learning scenarios benefit from educational content delivered to mobile devices supporting full mobility of students. Podcasting and the utilization of various types of podcasts are discussed as an efficient means of providing mobile students in a part-time degree programme with learning content. Crucial to the success of podcasting is the chosen course design that mixes face-to-face phases with distance learning phases based on the delivery of appropriate content embedded in podcasting episodes. The type and output format of those episodes has to be chosen accurately according to the applied usage scenario.
      452  370
  • Publication
    E-Collaboration Systems: How Collaborative They Really Are
    (COLLA 2011 – The First International Conference on Advanced Collaborative Networks, Systems and Applications, 2011-06-24) ;
    Electronic Collaboration Systems support employees in communication, coordination and collaboration tasks to work together to a common purpose to achieve business benefit. However, the marketplace of E Collaboration systems is multifaceted and is made up of various types of systems with differing emphasis. E Collaboration systems may be well suited for communication tasks or coordination tasks (e.g., collaboration systems with focus on project management), but lack support of collaborative tasks – and vice versa. To identify the extent of the support of “real” collaboration of E Collaboration systems, an analysis of collaboration features is applied to a number of E Collaboration systems. Although we focus entirely on collaboration features and present results on a number of E-Collaboration systems with above-average collaboration emphasis, significant differences in extent and quality of collaboration support can be detected.
      572  2682
  • Publication
    Podcasting in Blended Learning
    (IADIS e-Learning 2009, 2009-06-20) ;
    The utilization of different kinds of podcasts (audio, video and screen casts) in a part-time degree programme based on blended learning at a university of applied sciences is presented. The high potential of podcasting to provide students with eLearning content in phases of distance learning is analyzed. Principles of web didactics are applied to podcasting content to identify course topics that can be covered by podcasts. Special attention is directed to the integration of podcasting with phases of attendance in blended learning courses.
      199  368
  • Publication
    Wikis im unternehmensinternen Wissensmanagement
    (Edition Donau-Universität Krems, 2014) ; ;
    Mittels Cross-Case Analyse von acht Fallstudien zum Einsatz von Wikis im un-ternehmensinternen Wissensaustausch wird untersucht, welche Maßnahmen eingesetzt werden, um die aus Literatur und Praxis bekannten Förderfaktoren umzusetzen. Als Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass eine Vorbildfunktion des Manage-ments und klare Ziele den Erfolg wesentlich beeinflussen. Den größten Nutzen ziehen MitarbeiterInnen aus der verbesserten Transparenz, der Durchsuchbar-keit der Wissensbasis, der Dokumentation und dem Austausch von Wissen.
      214  2180
  • Publication
    Utilization and Acceptance of Interactive Infographics in Online Newspapers
    (FH-Forschungsforum, 2017-04-20)
    Zwinger, Sandra 
    Interactive infographics are a powerful tool to represent and communicate complex information. Especially in online journalism they are increasingly used by journalists. However, casual users are still unfamiliar with interactive infographics. The results of a user survey among readers of online newspapers point out how users interact with interactive infographics and how they assess the availability and findability of interactive infographics in online newspapers.
      166  566
  • Publication
    Acceptance and Usability of Interactive Infographics in Online Newspapers
    (Information Visualisation Society Conference, 2017-07-13)
    Zwinger, Sandra 
    Langer, Julia 
    Interactive infographics are a powerful tool to represent and communicate complex information. In data-driven journalism journalists use interactive infographics to explain new insights and facts while telling complex stories on the basis of retrieved data. However, readers of online news are still unexperienced while using interactive infographics. The results of a user survey among readers of online newspapers show how readers use and interact with interactive infographics in online newspapers. To improve the acceptance among users and to identify success factors of their utilization the results of a usability study of interactive infographics are presented.
      186  604Scopus© Citations 4
  • Publication
    Sozialformen und Interaktion in der synchronen online Lehre
    (FNMA Magazin, Sonderausgabe - Plötzlich online, 14-16, 2020) ;
      116  573
  • Publication
    Interactive Infographics in German Online Newspapers
    (RWTH Aachen, 2016-11-24)
    Zwinger, Sandra 
    Interactive infographics are increasingly used in online journalism. Especially in data-driven journalism they provide a powerful tool to represent and communicate complex information. On the basis of a content analysis of five German-speaking online newspapers we show which kinds of interactive visualizations are preferred in German-speaking online media. However, users are still unfamiliar with interactive infographics. The results of a user survey demonstrate how readers of online newspapers use interactive infographics. These results point out how users interact with interactive infographics and how they assess the availability and findability of interactive infographics in online newspapers.
      478  2914