Research Outputs

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Now showing 1 - 2 of 2
  • Publication
    Experiences with Lessons Learned Method in IT Projects
    (2023-08-29) ;
    Fischer, Julian 
    The project manager plays a central role in project integration and successful project completion. Leadership skills, especially knowledge-based leadership skills, are critical to project success as they enable the effective creation, sharing and use of knowledge. Project managers' social cognitive, interpersonal and strategic skills contribute to effective knowledge sharing. The Lessons Learned method is generally recommended for knowledge transfer in projects, but its effectiveness and implementation are controversial. The aim of this study is to investigate project managers' experiences with the Lessons Learned method in IT project management. The focus is on how these experiences influence knowledge transfer in IT projects. A qualitative research design was used to gain insight into the experiences of project managers. Eleven experts responsible for IT projects were interviewed in guideline-based expert interviews. The collected data was analysed using content structuring qualitative content analysis. The study found that project managers are responsible for knowledge transfer, but often do not perceive this task. Different perceptions of knowledge transfer methods were observed between traditional and agile training. The Lessons Learned approach showed unsatisfactory results and project managers defined their own methods. To improve knowledge transfer, project management standards should include clear tasks and support decision making. Generic models need to be integrated in the project management standards to ensure consistent approaches in practice.
      17  483
  • Publication
    Forms of Knowledge Transfer in IT Project Management
    (2023-09-19) ;
    Fischer, Julian 
    This qualitative research study explores the experiences of project managers in IT projects, using an investigative approach to explore the intricacies of knowledge transfer in these contexts. The research framework emphasizes the complexity of social dynamics and the need for a deeper understanding, prompting the use of qualitative methods. Expert interviews were chosen as the primary data collection technique due to their alignment with the research objectives. The study adopts an exploratory perspective, with online interviews conducted using a co-expert approach. The philosophical stance of the study is based on phenomenalist principles and aims to gain insights into the personal experiences of project managers. The experts selected for the study met specific criteria, including certification and experience in IT project management. Thematic analysis revealed key categories: Forms of knowledge transfer, challenges, and opportunities. Personalized spontaneous knowledge transfer emerged as the dominant form, facilitated by informal interactions, and efforts to codify this knowledge in a documented form were observed. Challenges included issues of quantity, distribution, team dynamics, technology platforms, organizational culture, and time constraints. Successful knowledge transfer was associated with increased efficiency, improved quality, faster project completion, and continuous improvement of methods and standards. The study suggests that project-based organizations should develop strategies to improve knowledge transfer, incorporate it into project management standards and focus on facilitating effective communication between team members.
      19  404