Research Outputs

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Now showing 1 - 8 of 8
  • Publication
    Influence and design of sweepstakes and contests in radio marketing
    (Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague, 2012)
    Sweepstakes and contests are widespread occurrences. Not least, radio stations use them as a means of binding listeners, gaining new audiences or serving their advertising clients. The positive influence of sweepstakes and contests in media marketing is seldom questioned by programme directors. Yet research has so far paid little attention to the influence of sweepstakes and contests in radio marketing or to the mechanisms behind particular dimensions like the prizes, challenge/task, media and brand recognition. The following article presents the findings of one of the few scientific studies into the aspects which influence the effect(s) of sweepstakes and contests in radio marketing. For the purposes of this study, existing English and German literature was studied to establish the main research questions and a set of initial assumptions. Empirical data was collected through ten semi-structured guided expert interviews with radio programme directors, programme advisors and radio presenters responsible for sweepstakes and contests in Austria. The results showed that sweepstakes and contests are more relevant for binding and activating existing listeners than for gaining new listeners, non-participants in sweepstakes and contests should not be disturbed or annoyed by sweepstakes and contests, and the frequency with which the sweepstake or contest should be repeated on air would seem to depend on the actual station format. The internet seems to be of particular interest in a cross-promotion context. Cash prizes are generally judged to be the best prizes. Entertaining and creative designs are widely welcomed by the experts.
      468  371
  • Publication
    KommunikationsflĆ¼sse im Bild. Dynamische Netzwerkvisualisierung in der internen Organisationskommunikation anhand des Fallbeispiels eines UniversitƤtsinstituts
    (2011) ;
    Windhager, Florian 
    Zenk, Lukas 
    Smuc, Michael 
    Die StƤrken der Sozialen Netzwerkanalyse in der Darstellung tatsƤchlicher KommunikationsflĆ¼sse und informeller Muster der Zusammenarbeit in Gruppen und Organisationen wurden bereits weitgehend diskutiert. Verschiedene Kombinationen von Methoden und Algorithmen stehen zu VerfĆ¼gung, um kommunikative Beziehungsmuster zu erheben und als statische Netzwerke zu visualisieren. Die laufende VerƤnderung dieser Netzwerke Ć¼ber die Zeit bringt jedoch die Frage mit sich, wie diese Dynamiken sichtbar gemacht werden kƶnnen. Im vorliegenden Artikel werden vier Methoden der dynamischen Netzwerkvisualisierung vorgestellt, um die VerƤnderung von sozialen Netzwerken visuell zu analysieren. Anhand des Fallbeispiels eines UniversitƤtsinstituts wird deren Anwendung demonstriert und aufgezeigt, wie dadurch kommunikationswissenschaftliche Forschung in Organisationen unterstĆ¼tzt werden kann.
      204  1
  • Publication
    Media in Austria ā€“ Small Landscape, Big Influence
    (Instytut Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej, 2012) ;
    At the border to its large neighbour Germany lies the media landscape of Austria, a country with a population of over 8.4 million people. The linguistic and cultural prox-imity to its large neighbour has a decisive impact on the face of the Austrian media landscape. In addition to Austrian media, Austrians also use German media. They profit from the numerous public and commercial television channels they can re-ceive free-of-charge in their homes and they read German magazines. From an ownership perspective, the Austrian media market is to a large extent also ā€˜home-ownedā€™. But there are also a handful of German co-owners who play a significant role. Media ownership and the reach of Austrian media can both be described as highly concentrated. There are numerous business and/or personal links between the owners of the major print titles. Thanks to the late introduction of commercial ra-dio and television, the public national broadcasting corporation enjoys a dominant position that has developed over time. Austria has a small media landscape with powerful influencers.
      234  2
  • Publication
    ReprƤsentanz von Frauen in Regionalmedien - Eine Untersuchung des Frauenanteils in der Berichterstattung niederƶsterreichischer Medien
    (2007) ;
    Wolf, Birgit 
    Medienuntersuchungen der letzten Jahre kamen zu dem Ergebnis, dass Frauen in Print- und in elektronischen Medien unterreprƤsentiert sind. Der Frauenanteil an der Gesamtberichterstattung lag im internationalen Global Media Monitoring Project zuletzt bei 21 %. (vgl. Gallagher 2005, 120). Dies obwohl die quantitative wie qualitative Darstellung von Frauen in den Medien nicht nur Teil der wissenschaftlichen BeschƤftigung ist, sondern auch in politischen Institutionen wie der UNO, der EU bis hin zur LƤnderebene problematisiert wird. Die hier angestellte Untersuchung geht der Frage nach, ob es im Regionaljournalismus Abweichungen von der allgemein schwachen ReprƤsentanz von Frauen in den Medien gibt. Untersuchungsraum ist das Bundesland Niederƶsterreich.
      167  1
  • Publication
    What Austrian Journalists seek in Social Media
    (VydĆ”va SAP ā€“ Slovak Academic Press, spol. s r.o., 2014) ;
    Juster, Julia 
    In their latest survey the Center for Journalism and Communication Management at Danube University in Krems (Austria) interviewed female journalists on their professional Social Media usage and its impact on their daily business. Over a period of one month 298 Austrian journal-ists answered 21 open and closed questions to three main aspects of the topic mentioned above. Journalists state that Social Media still become even more important to their working life, altough they are weighing up advantages and risks carefully. The results also show the ambivalence: on the one hand inspiration, cultivation of oneā€™s image and contacts or quick investigation can be seen as positive aspects of Social Media, on the other hand they foster pressure of time and competition or loss in quality with regard to contents. Besides, data secu-rity issues and lack of practical experience are main reasons when deciding to use Social Media or not.
      150  1