Research Outputs

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Open Source Tools for Enterprise 2.0: A Feature-Based Adaptable Analysis

2013, Schauer, Bettina, Zeiller, Michael, Matzinger, Robert

When introducing Enterprise 2.0 tools to support knowledge workers working together on cognitive tasks and sharing information, companies and organizations face the problem of choosing the right tools from a huge market of systems. In particular for SMEs, open source tools for Enterprise 2.0 offer a good alternative to commercial systems, but the diversity of systems makes this marketplace quite confusing. Therefore we present a study of the growing market for Enterprise 2.0 systems that focuses entirely on systems available under an open source license. We use a set of 97 individual features and criteria that are grouped around the central functionalities of communication, coordination, collaboration and connection, to analyze the suitability of a representative sample of open source Enterprise 2.0 tools for the average knowledge worker. The evaluation matrix can be easily adapted to get more specific evaluation results for more particular company requirements. Our results show that there are many technically mature solutions with a broad range of functionality available from the market of open source tools for Enterprise 2.0.

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Podcasting in Blended Learning

2009-06-20, Zeiller, Michael, Dal-Bianco, Veronica

The utilization of different kinds of podcasts (audio, video and screen casts) in a part-time degree programme based on blended learning at a university of applied sciences is presented. The high potential of podcasting to provide students with eLearning content in phases of distance learning is analyzed. Principles of web didactics are applied to podcasting content to identify course topics that can be covered by podcasts. Special attention is directed to the integration of podcasting with phases of attendance in blended learning courses.

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Potential of Augmented Reality in the Library

2018-11, Baumgartner-Kiradi, Bernadette, Haberler, Michaela, Zeiller, Michael

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A case study based approach to knowledge visualization

2005-07-08, Zeiller, Michael

Case studies are proposed as a research method on knowledge visualization that can deal with the multidisciplinarity, the large variety of research targets and the complex correlations of this type of information visualization utilized for supporting tasks of knowledge management. A suitable case structure is presented that documents the analyzed cases and allows for a comparative analysis of multiple cases. To be able to systematically evaluate and compare the applied visualization techniques a set of evaluation criteria is introduced.

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Wissensmanagement im Bibliothekswesen und Bibliothekswesen im Wissensmanagement

2017-09-14, Zeiller, Michael, Geyer-Hayden, Barbara

Bibliothekswesen und Wissensmanagement sind eng verwandte Disziplinen. Das zeigt sich nicht nur in der Praxis, sondern manifestiert sich auch in den Ausbildungsprogrammen an Hochschulen. Im Zentrum der Untersuchung stehen daher die Fragen: Wie viel Wissensmanagement steckt im Bibliothekswesen und Wissensmanagement sind eng verwandte Disziplinen. Das zeigt sich nicht nur in der Praxis, sondern manifestiert sich auch in den Ausbildungsprogrammen an Hochschulen. Im Zentrum der Untersuchung stehen daher die Fragen: Wie viel Wissensmanagement steckt im Bibliothekswesen? Wie viel Bibliothekswesen ist im Wissensmanagement enthalten? Diese Fragen werden anhand von ausgewählten Ausbildungsprogrammen an deutschsprachigen Hochschulen für diese verwandten Disziplinen beantwortet. Es wird untersucht, ob die Curricula von Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen Ausbildungsinhalte aus dem jeweilig anderen Fachgebiet enthalten.? Wie viel Bibliothekswesen ist im Wissensmanagement enthalten? Diese Fragen werden anhand von ausgewählten Ausbildungsprogrammen an deutschsprachigen Hochschulen für diese verwandten Disziplinen beantwortet. Es wird untersucht, ob die Curricula von Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen Ausbildungsinhalte aus dem jeweilig anderen Fachgebiet enthalten.

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Visualisierung im Wissensmanagement : ein Fallstudien-basierter Forschungsansatz

2006, Zeiller, Michael

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Reviewing the E-Collaboration Marketplace

2010-07-28, Schauer, Bettina, Zeiller, Michael, Riedl, Doris

Electronic collaboration systems that support and enable communication, coordination and collaboration between people in shared projects, processes and teams within organisations and for cross-organisational use have significantly changed under the influence of Web 2.0 technologies and social software. The electronic collaboration marketplace is made up of numerous systems that offer a large variety of features. A classification approach is presented that classifies electronic collaboration systems and thus structures the diverse collaboration marketplace. Collaboration systems are evaluated and compared using a set of evaluation criteria that allow for the assessment of all major collaboration tasks. Thus completeness of systems as well as the main focus of applicability of individual collaboration systems is determined.

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Visualizing Knowledge: A Decision Matrix for Choosing Visualization Techniques

2007, Zeiller, Michael, Edlinger, Karl

Knowledge workers who want to apply knowledge visualization have to determine which visual representation and thereupon which visualization tool is suitable for their needs. To support knowledge workers in this sophisticated problem a systematic approach is presented that matches typical tasks in knowledge management to visualizationtechniques that support these tasks. Knowledge workers are provided with a three-dimensional decision matrix that enables them to identify a suitable visualization technique for a certain knowledge problem. To be able to systematically evaluate and identify adequate visualization techniques a set of evaluation criteria is introduced.

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E-Collaboration Systems: How Collaborative They Really Are

2011-06-24, Schauer, Bettina, Zeiller, Michael

Electronic Collaboration Systems support employees in communication, coordination and collaboration tasks to work together to a common purpose to achieve business benefit. However, the marketplace of E Collaboration systems is multifaceted and is made up of various types of systems with differing emphasis. E Collaboration systems may be well suited for communication tasks or coordination tasks (e.g., collaboration systems with focus on project management), but lack support of collaborative tasks – and vice versa. To identify the extent of the support of “real” collaboration of E Collaboration systems, an analysis of collaboration features is applied to a number of E Collaboration systems. Although we focus entirely on collaboration features and present results on a number of E-Collaboration systems with above-average collaboration emphasis, significant differences in extent and quality of collaboration support can be detected.

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Web 2.0 Enabled Blended Learning

2009-10-30, Zeiller, Michael

An easy to implement approach for setting up a blended learning course at a university of applied sciences by Web 2.0 and social software tools is presented. Web 2.0 and social software are applied in blended learning scenarios to support distance learning activities. Various web 2.0 applications and face-to-face activities are mixed to make up a collaborative learning experience. Examples of course designs created by mixing face-to-face units and distance learning units using online and mobile social media related to Web 2.0 are presented.