Research Outputs

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Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Publication
    Interactive Infographics in German Online Newspapers
    (RWTH Aachen, 2016-11-24)
    Zwinger, Sandra 
    Interactive infographics are increasingly used in online journalism. Especially in data-driven journalism they provide a powerful tool to represent and communicate complex information. On the basis of a content analysis of five German-speaking online newspapers we show which kinds of interactive visualizations are preferred in German-speaking online media. However, users are still unfamiliar with interactive infographics. The results of a user survey demonstrate how readers of online newspapers use interactive infographics. These results point out how users interact with interactive infographics and how they assess the availability and findability of interactive infographics in online newspapers.
      478  2591
  • Publication
    Utilization and Acceptance of Interactive Infographics in Online Newspapers
    (FH-Forschungsforum, 2017-04-20)
    Zwinger, Sandra 
    Interactive infographics are a powerful tool to represent and communicate complex information. Especially in online journalism they are increasingly used by journalists. However, casual users are still unfamiliar with interactive infographics. The results of a user survey among readers of online newspapers point out how users interact with interactive infographics and how they assess the availability and findability of interactive infographics in online newspapers.
      166  520
  • Publication
    Acceptance and Usability of Interactive Infographics in Online Newspapers
    (Information Visualisation Society Conference, 2017-07-13)
    Zwinger, Sandra 
    Langer, Julia 
    Interactive infographics are a powerful tool to represent and communicate complex information. In data-driven journalism journalists use interactive infographics to explain new insights and facts while telling complex stories on the basis of retrieved data. However, readers of online news are still unexperienced while using interactive infographics. The results of a user survey among readers of online newspapers show how readers use and interact with interactive infographics in online newspapers. To improve the acceptance among users and to identify success factors of their utilization the results of a usability study of interactive infographics are presented.
      186  566Scopus© Citations 4