Research Outputs

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Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Publication
    Integrierte Gesundheitsberichterstattung im Burgenland
    Ein Gesundheitsbericht soll über den Gesundheitszustand und die Gesundheitsversorgung von Bevölkerungen informieren und eine Grundlage für die Ableitung bedarfsgerechter politischer Handlungsempfehlungen darstellen. Die Gesundheitsberichterstattung unterliegt in- und außerhalb Österreichs einem kontinuierlichen Entwicklungsprozess. Sogenannte Public Health Reports sind in Skandinavien bereits Standard, in Österreich manifestiert sich diese Entwicklung hingegen erst langsam. Im Rahmen der Erstellung des Burgenländischen Gesundheitsberichtes 2012 wurde im Burgenland erstmalig ein umfassender Public Health Report erstellt. Die Basis hierfur bildeten theoretische Konzepte wie das Gesundheitsdeterminantenmodell nach Dahlgren und Whitehead (1991) sowie die Integrierte Gesundheitsberichterstattung nach Süß et al. (2004). Die Besonderheiten des Burgenländischen Gesundheitsberichtes liegen vor allem in der umfassenden Analyse gesundheitlicher Einflussfaktoren, der Integration wichtiger Stakeholder in die Berichterstattung, der Kombination quantitativer und qualitativer Erhebungsmethoden, der Erstellung eines Schwerpunktkapitels zum Thema Kinderund Jugendgesundheit sowie der gesundheitsökonomischen Abschatzung von Maßnahmenempfehlungen im Bereich der Gesundheitsförderung
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  • Publication
    Integrierte Gesundheitsberichterstattung als konzeptionelle Grundlage für intersektorale Zusammenarbeit am Beispiel des Burgenländischen Gesundheitsberichts 2012
    Im Zuge der Burgenländischen Gesundheitsberichterstattung 2012 wurde das Konzept der integrierten Gesundheitsberichterstattung angewandt. Hierfür wurden unterschiedliche qualitative und quantitative Datenerhebungsmethoden eingesetzt. Im Burgenland – einem Bundesland Österreichs – liegt nun erstmals ein umfassender, integrierter Gesundheitsbericht vor. Integration fand auf Datenebene, Akteursebene sowie durch partizipative BürgerInnenbeteiligung statt. Integrierte Gesundheitsberichterstattung hat das Potenzial, die Akzeptanz von Gesundheitsberichten sowie die Nutzung von aufbereiteten Informationen für politische Entscheidungen zu erhöhen. Aktuelle Herausforderungen liegen in der Verfügbarkeit intersektoraler Daten sowie unterschiedlichen Interessensgruppen und AdressatInnen von Gesundheitsberichten.
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  • Publication
    The burden of disease attributable to physical inactivity in the Austrian region of Burgenland
    Objectives Physical inactivity is a significant public health problem, which is unlikely to be solved through classical health promotion approaches alone. Physical inactivity leads to a host of chronic degenerative conditions and premature death. In Europe, more than half of the population is not sufficiently active. The WHO estimates that in Europe, 10% or nearly a million of deaths are associated with inactivity. This represents a loss of 8.3 million disability adjusted life years (DALYs). In the Austrian region of Burgenland about 52.6% or 125,434 people of the population are physical inactive. As a risk factor for several chronic diseases like cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, depression, back-pain, hypertension, breast cancer and colorectal carcinoma physical inactivity can potentially be a substantial public health burden. Furthermore, it is one of the greatest risk factors for mortality. Hence, the aim of the analysis was to estimate the direct health-care costs saved, the number of diseases and premature death saved each year attributable to a health promotion program focusing on walking (“3,000 steps” and more).Methods The evaluation of the health-economic impact was performed using a cost-of-illness analysis. We have used relative risk (RR) estimates from the literature to evaluate the effects of physical inactivity on the above mentioned diseases, which are known to be significantly related to physical inactivity. Mortality rates for each condition were derived from local data of Burgenland. Afterwards, the population-attributable fraction (PAF) for each illness to estimate the risk factor on the given disease was computed. The PAF for each disease was calculated as: [P(RR – 1)] / [1 + P(RR – 1)] P = prevalence of physical inactivity in the population RR = relative risk for the disease in an inactive person We have calculated effects of a reduction in inactivity level by 10,000 physical inactive people in Burgenland. Cost calculation Direct medical costs were considered from the health care system perspective. The costs of each disease related to physical inactivity are determined by the yearly resource utilisation associated with each disease. Resource use (e.g. the type and frequency of medical goods and services rendered to the patient) and monetary value (prices, tariffs and/or opportunity costs) for each unit of medical goods and services were used to calculate the total direct costs. Costs were calculated bottom-up for the year 2012. We have calculated effects of a reduction in inactivity level by 10,000 physical inactive people in Burgenland. Results Results show that physical inactivity causes 27,542 cases of illness (15.6%) as well as 50 (10.6%) premature deaths in the population of Burgenland. Reducing the inactive group by 10,000 people, 2,221 cases of illness and cases of death would be reduced by four. Physical inactivity is leading to a total cost of illness of 58.9 million Euro, which represents 6.3% of total health expenditure. If the health promotion program is suitable to change the lifestyle of 10,000 people, cost of illness attributable to physical inactivity could be reduced by 6.40 million Euro each year of which 5.03 million Euro are directly related to diminish physical inactivity. Conclusion Physical inactivity represents an important public health burden in Austria. Even modest reductions in inactivity levels could result in substantial cost savings.
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  • Publication
    Health behaviour of young children (3-10) in Austria - closing data gap by carrying out a quantitative study
    Introduction: Childhood and adolescence are those phases of life that form health behaviour in later years. Although the HBSC-study analyses health-related activities of pupils at the age of 11, 13, 15 and 17 years there is a lack of data concerning health behaviour of younger children in Austria. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate health status, behaviour and social activites of children in the district of Oberwart quantitatively in order to close data gaps. Methods: Within public health reporting 2012 in the Austrian province Burgenland a quantitative survey according to the HBSC-study was created. Parents of children in ten kindergarden and 13 primary schools in the district of Oberwart were asked about health status and behaviour of their kids (n = 552). Because of external assessment (parents) methodical limitations have to be considered. Results: Results concerning health behaviour show that only 35% of parents say that their children are at least 60 minutes physically active every day. Findings related to nutrition indicate that according to parents only 27% eat vegetables daily while nearly half of them consume sweets at least once a day. The results show that healthy eating patterns correlate positively with educational background. Conclusions: This study closed data gap concerning health status and behaviour of children at the age of three to ten years and enables restricted comparisons with results of the HBSC-study. In future further research concerning health behaviour of young children in whole Austria is needed to promote health effectively.
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