Research Outputs

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  • Publication
    Monitoring Industry 4.0 Applications for Security and Safety Standard Compliance
    (IEEE, 2018-05) ;
    Schmittner, Christoph 
    Delsing, Jerker 
    In Industry 4.0 independent entities shall inter-operate to allow flexible and customized production. To assure the parties that individual components are secured to inter-operate, we investigate automated standard compliance. The standard compliance is defined based on given sets of security and safety requirements from which are derived measurable indicator points. Those reflect configurations of systems recommended by security, safety or legally relevant standards and guidelines, which help to demonstrate the state of compliance. We propose in this paper an initial approach to automate such assessment when components are inter-operating with each other by using a monitoring and standard compliance verification framework. This will assure the parties that services or devices within their organizations operate in a secure and standard compliant way, without compromising the underlying infrastructure.
      176  1Scopus© Citations 17