Research Outputs

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Now showing 1 - 10 of 11
  • Publication
      529  954
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      531  764
  • Publication
    Security standard compliance and continuous verification for Industrial Internet of Things
    (Sage, 2020) ; ;
    Delsing, Jerker 
    Due to globalization and digitalization of industrial systems, standard compliance is gaining more attention. In order to stay competitive and remain in business, different sectors within industry are required to comply with multiple regulations. Compliance aims to fulfill regulations by including all measures imposed by laws and standards. Every device, application, or service implements several technologies at many levels, and standards support interoperability across them. They help to create global markets for industries and enable networked development in order to be successful and sustainable. This work highlights the importance of standard compliance and continuous verification in industrial Internet of Things and implements an automatic monitoring and standard compliance verification framework. In this work, we focus on security, safety, and organizational aspects of industrial Internet of Things. We identify a number of standards and best practice guidelines, which are used to extract security, safety, and organizational measurable indicator points. In addition, a metric model is provided that forms the basis for the necessary information needed for compliance verification, including requirements, standards, and metrics. Also, we present the prototype of the monitoring and standard compliance verification framework used to show the security compliance of an industrial Internet of Things use case.
      122  1889Scopus© Citations 19
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      271  718
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    Risk Management and Standard Compliance for Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems
    (Scientific Association for Infocommunications (HTE), 2021) ;
    Chlup, Sebastian 
    Shaaban, Abdelkader Magdy 
    Schmittner, Christoph 
    Pinzenöhler, Andreas 
    The Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud technologies are increasingly implemented in the form of Cyber-Physical Systems of Systems (CPSoS) for the railway sector. In order to satisfy the security requirements of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), domainspecific risk identification assessment procedures have been developed. Threat modelling is one of the most commonly used methods for threat identification for the security analysis of CPSoS and is capable of targeting various domains. This paper reports our experience of using a risk management framework identify the most critical security vulnerabilities in CPSoS in the domain and shows the broader impact this work can have on the domain of safety and security management. Moreover, we emphasize the application of common analytical methods for cyber-security based on international industry standards to identify the most vulnerable assets. These will be applied to a meta-model for automated railway systems in the concept phase to support the development and deployment of these systems. Furthermore, it is the first step to create a secure and standard complaint system by design.
      106  708Scopus© Citations 11
  • Publication
    On the Cost of Security Compliance in Information Systems
    (International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, 2019) ; ; ;
    Aldrian, Andreas 
    The onward development of information and communication technology has led to a new industrial revolution called Industry 4.0. This revolution involves Cyber-Physical Production Systems (CPPS), which consist of intelligent Cyber-Physical Systems that may be able to adapt themselves autonomously in a production environment. At the moment, machines in industrial environments are often not connected to the internet, which thus needs a point-to-point connection to access the device if necessary. Through Industry 4.0, these devices should enable remote access for smart maintenance through a connection to the outside world. However, this connection opens the gate for possible cyber-attacks and thus raises the question about providing security for these environments. Therefore, this paper used an adapted approach based on SixSigma to solve this security problem by investigating security standards. Security requirements were gathered and mapped to controls from well known security standards, formed into a catalog. This catalog includes assessment information to check how secure a solution for a use case is and also includes a link to an estimation method for implementation cost. Thus this paper’s outcome shows how to make Industry 4.0 use cases secure by fulfilling security standard controls and how to estimate the resulting implementation costs.
      571  3355
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    Towards a secure and self-adapting smart indoor farming framework
    (Springer, 2019-10-21) ; ; ;
    Schmittner, Christoph 
    Christl, Korbinian 
    Knapitsch, Johannes 
    Parapatits, Martin 
    Facing the increase in world population and the stagnation in available arable land there is a high demand for optimizing the food production. Considering the world-wide and ongoing reduction of the agricultural labor force novel approaches for food production are required. Vertical farming may be such a solution where plants are being produced indoors in racks, cared by robotic appliances which will be operated by specialized software. Given the multitude of parameters which determine the ideal condition, a lot of data needs to be acquired. As this data is used to adapt the entire Cyber-Physical System to a changing environment the data has to be secure and adaptations have to consider safety aspects as well. Such systems must hence be secure, safe, scalable and self-adaptable to a high degree. We present an important element for such solutions, a cloud, IoT and robotic based smart farming framework.
      611  40288Scopus© Citations 16
  • Publication
    A Lightweight Authentication Mechanism for M2M Communications in Industrial IoT Environment
    Esfahani, A. 
    Mantas, G. 
    Matischek, R. 
    Saghezchi, F. 
    ; ; ;
    Schmittner, Ch. 
    Bastos, J. 
    In the emerging industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) era, machine-to-machine (M2M) communication technology is considered as a key underlying technology for building IIoT environments, where devices (e.g., sensors, actuators, and gateways) are enabled to exchange information with each other in an autonomous way without human intervention. However, most of the existing M2M protocols that can be also used in the IIoT domain provide security mechanisms based on asymmetric cryptography resulting in high computational cost. As a consequence, the resource-constrained IoT devices are not able to support them appropriately and thus, many security issues arise for the IIoT environment. Therefore, lightweight security mechanisms are required for M2M communications in IIoT in order to reach its full potential. As a step toward this direction, in this paper, we propose a lightweight authentication mechanism, based only on hash and XOR operations, for M2M communications in IIoT environment. The proposed mechanism is characterized by low computational cost, communication, and storage overhead, while achieving mutual authentication, session key agreement, device's identity confidentiality, and resistance against the following attacks: replay attack, man-in-the-middle attack, impersonation attack, and modification attack.
      562  1173Scopus© Citations 238
  • Publication
    A recommendation for suitable technologies for an indoor farming framework
    (Springer, 2020) ; ;
    Schmittner, Christoph 
    Christl, Korbinian 
    Knapitsch, Johannes 
    Parapatits, Martin 
    Facing food insecurity and overuse of resources due to effects of climate change, humanity needs to find new ways to secure food production and produce close to consumers. Vertical farming, where plants are grown in vertical arrays inside buildings with help of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) components, could contribute to solving this issue. Such systems integrate heterogeneous devices on different computing layers and acquire a lot of data to monitor and optimize the production process. We created an indoor testing unit in which growing conditions can be monitored and controlled to optimize growth of microgreens. This setup includes an Indoor Farming Support as a Service (IFSaaS) prototype that provides safe and secure monitoring and controlling, as well as self-adaption of an indoor farming system. In this article we provide information about the combination of most suitable technologies.
      604  42280Scopus© Citations 8
  • Publication
    Towards Comparing Programming Paradigms
    (2017-12) ; ;
    Wöhrer, Alexander 
    Rapid technological progress in computer sciences finds solutions and at the same time creates ever more complex requirements. Due to an evolving complexity today’s programming languages provide powerful frameworks which offer standard solutions for recurring tasks to assist the programmer and to avoid the re-invention of the wheel with so- called “out-of-the-box-features”. In this paper, we propose a way of comparing different programming paradigms on a theoretical, technical and practical level. Furthermore, the paper presents the results of an initial comparison of two representative programming approaches, both in the closed SAP environment.
      142  503Scopus© Citations 1