Research Outputs

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  • Publication
      17  213
  • Publication
    Open Innovation Processes as Drivers for Business Model Developments Enabling a Successful Energy Transition
    Renewable energy systems are a key enabler for a successful transition of our current energy systems. However, in every transition process numerous different interests and requirements, often diverging or opposed to each other, must be considered. “Open Innovation” approaches overcome this divergency and increase one’s own innovation potential by involving all relevant actors along the value chain. This work presents approaches, experiences, challenges, and results of Open Innovation processes applied to stakeholder groups in three different use cases. In these use cases, multi-stage, iterative processes for stakeholder integration are applied. The results of the first use case stages show a high degree of diversity in terms of different stakeholder treatment. These conflicts are tackled by the Open Innovation process, proving that a fruitful collaborative business model development is feasible.
      779  6862
  • Publication
    A Case Study of Socially-Accepted Potentials for the Use of End User Flexibility by Home Energy Management Systems
    Due to the increase of volatile renewable energy resources, additional flexibility will be necessary in the electricity system in the future to ensure a technically and economically efficient network operation. Although home energy management systems hold potential for a supply of flexibility to the grid, private end users often neglect or even ignore recommendations regarding beneficial behavior. In this work, the social acceptance and requirements of a participatively developed home energy management system with focus on (i) system support optimization, (ii) self-consumption and self-sufficiency optimization, and (iii) additional comfort functions are determined. Subsequently, the socially-accepted flexibility potential of the home energy management system is estimated. Using methods of online household survey, cluster analysis, and energy-economic optimization, the socially-accepted techno-economic potential of households in a three-community cluster sample area is computed. Results show about a third of the participants accept the developed system. This yields a shiftable load of nearly 1.8 MW within the small sample area. Furthermore, the system yields the considerably larger monetary surplus on the supplier-side due to its focus on system support optimization. New electricity market opportunities are necessary to adequately reward a systemically useful load behavior of households.
      179  1Scopus© Citations 9