Schauer-Frank, Bettina
Official Name
Schauer-Frank, Bettina
Alternative Name
Schauer, Bettina
Main Affiliation
Akademische Titel
Mag. Dr.
Scopus Author ID
Research Outputs
Now showing 1 - 10 of 21
- Publication
136 2 - Publication
116 1 - PublicationWikis im unternehmensinternen WissensmanagementMittels Cross-Case Analyse von acht Fallstudien zum Einsatz von Wikis im un-ternehmensinternen Wissensaustausch wird untersucht, welche Maßnahmen eingesetzt werden, um die aus Literatur und Praxis bekannten Förderfaktoren umzusetzen. Als Ergebnis zeigt sich, dass eine Vorbildfunktion des Manage-ments und klare Ziele den Erfolg wesentlich beeinflussen. Den größten Nutzen ziehen MitarbeiterInnen aus der verbesserten Transparenz, der Durchsuchbar-keit der Wissensbasis, der Dokumentation und dem Austausch von Wissen.
216 2246 - Publication
110 2 - Publication
103 2 - PublicationOpen Source Tools for Enterprise 2.0: A Feature-Based Adaptable AnalysisWhen introducing Enterprise 2.0 tools to support knowledge workers working together on cognitive tasks and sharing information, companies and organizations face the problem of choosing the right tools from a huge market of systems. In particular for SMEs, open source tools for Enterprise 2.0 offer a good alternative to commercial systems, but the diversity of systems makes this marketplace quite confusing. Therefore we present a study of the growing market for Enterprise 2.0 systems that focuses entirely on systems available under an open source license. We use a set of 97 individual features and criteria that are grouped around the central functionalities of communication, coordination, collaboration and connection, to analyze the suitability of a representative sample of open source Enterprise 2.0 tools for the average knowledge worker. The evaluation matrix can be easily adapted to get more specific evaluation results for more particular company requirements. Our results show that there are many technically mature solutions with a broad range of functionality available from the market of open source tools for Enterprise 2.0.
143 2 - Publication
134 1 - PublicationA Feature-based Analysis of Open Source Tools for Enterprise 2.0: Open Source Tools for Team Collaboration in SMEs(KMIS 2011 – International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing, 2011-10-29)
; ; The marketplace of Enterprise 2.0 tools that support knowledge workers within companies to work together on cognitive tasks and share information and knowledge is diversified and offers commercial systems of varying complexity and functional range as well as open source software. Like commercial systems, open source tools for Enterprise 2.0 provide a broad range of functionality and offer a good alternative for organisations – especially for SMEs. This paper presents a study of the growing market for Enterprise 2.0 systems and focuses entirely on ones that are available under an open source license. We introduce a set of 97 individual features and criteria to assess a representative sample of open source Enterprise 2.0 tools. Our results show that the marketplace of open source tools for Enterprise 2.0 offers technically mature solutions with a broad range of functionality.517 2599 - PublicationStandards for Productive Knowledge Work : Theoretical Foundation and 121 Application of an Analysis Technique(World Scientific Publishing, 2007-08)
; ; ; Work productivity is certainly a major factor for economic success. For organizations with highly knowledge intensive processes and products, it is knowledge work productivity that counts. The paper introduces a multi step potential analysis of knowledge work productivity and its application to several organizations. The analysis combines assessments of (1) knowledge intensity, (2) productivity with respect to typical intellectual activities such as information processing, communication, decision making, and learning, as well as (3) organizational adaptability. In this process, the difference between more or less productivity is captured by the degree to which knowledge is handled in accordance with explicit standards compared to being handled in an arbitrary manner. Results of the analysis are then used to propose both short and medium term action plans for more productive knowledge work.148 1 - Publication
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