Research Outputs

2018 2018 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0
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  • Publication
    Getting Fit for the Future: Optimizing Energy Usage in Existing Buildings by Adding Non-Invasive Sensor Networks
    (IEEE, 2018-08)
    Sauter, Thilo 
    Treytl, Albert 
    Diwold, Konrad 
    Molnar, David 
    Lechner, Daniel 
    Krammer, Lukas 
    ; ;
    Optimizing energy usage is becoming an economic necessity for existing buildings. Non-invasive sensors and sensor networks are key technologies for efficiently achieving this goal, since it is of utmost importance that existing hydraulic systems are not changed and the engineering effort for installation remains minimal. This paper presents a data-driven approach that should allow low-cost installation of sensors at arbitrary points of the building and then retrieve the structure of the hydraulic system from the recorded sensor values. The architecture as well as first preliminary results from field test buildings are presented.
      403  1Scopus© Citations 1