Now showing 1 - 10 of 186
  • Publication
    Engineering of IoT automation system
    (CRC Press, 2017)
    Carlsson, Oscar 
    Vera, Daniel 
    Arceredillo, Eduardo 
    Bilal, Ahmad 
    Schmittner, Christoph 
    Plosz, Sandor 
    Ruprechter, Thomas 
    Aldrian, Andreas 
    Delsing, Jerker 
  • Publication
    Remote On-Screen Support and Cooperation with Open Sporce Components in e-Learning
    (E. Weber, 2008)
    In many learning situations it is essential to offer support for the students by an instructor directly at the computer screens of the students like in a computer lab. To provide this support in remote e-learning situations, the teacher needs a real-time view of the contents of the students computer screen from remote. in this paper we discuss a solution for providing real-time remote on-screen student support with distance-learning via internet connections in a safe and secure manner. Our "virtual classroom" consists of open source components only and workson most operating systems independently of the underlying learning software used. We enhance this solution with a prototype of a common desktop, that is suitable for small work groupsto work together on a common computer screen in real time, which is useful e.g. for small student groups working togetherfrom remote. The common desktop systemalso works independently of the software used on the screen and can be operated with any client computer. In practice, these solutions are accompanied by commuication systems like chat or voice-chat, to achieve a system for real-time remote teaching and real-time remote cooperation.
      146  1
  • Publication
    Web 2.0 Enabled Blended Learning
    (Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE), Chesapeake, VA, 2009-10-30)
    An easy to implement approach for setting up a blended learning course at a university of applied sciences by Web 2.0 and social software tools is presented. Web 2.0 and social software are applied in blended learning scenarios to support distance learning activities. Various web 2.0 applications and face-to-face activities are mixed to make up a collaborative learning experience. Examples of course designs created by mixing face-to-face units and distance learning units using online and mobile social media related to Web 2.0 are presented.
      133  1
  • Publication
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  • Publication
    Wissensmanagement 4.0
    (7. Wissensmanagement-Tage Austria, 2017-04-25)
    Mit der zunehmenden Digitalisierung aller Branchen ändern sich die Anforderungen an Wissensmanager. Wohin wird sich das Wissensmanagement entwickeln? Niemand kann in die Zukunft sehen aber wir können die fördernden und blockierenden Einflussfaktoren für den digitalen Wandel des Wissensmanagements identifizieren. Das ist die Basis für die Entwicklung unterschiedlicher Zukunfts-Szenarien für Wissensmanager.
      364  1
  • Publication
    Visualizing Knowledge: A Decision Matrix for Choosing Visualization Techniques
    Knowledge workers who want to apply knowledge visualization have to determine which visual representation and thereupon which visualization tool is suitable for their needs. To support knowledge workers in this sophisticated problem a systematic approach is presented that matches typical tasks in knowledge management to visualizationtechniques that support these tasks. Knowledge workers are provided with a three-dimensional decision matrix that enables them to identify a suitable visualization technique for a certain knowledge problem. To be able to systematically evaluate and identify adequate visualization techniques a set of evaluation criteria is introduced.
      103  1
  • Publication
    Storytelling im Internet
    Das Internet mit seiner ständigen Abrufbarkeit von Informationen und zahllosen Kanälen verhilft der alten Disziplin Storytelling zu neuem Glanz.
      130  1
  • Publication
    Wissensspeicherung & -transfer beim Österreichischen Bundesrechenzentrum
    (Doculine Verlags GmbH, 2014) ;
    Brandstetter, Thomas 
    Aufgrund der temporären Struktur von Projekten sind die Speicherung und der Transfer des in der Projektarbeit erzeugten Wissens eine herausfordernde Aufgabe. Spezialisierte Anwendungen für das Projektwissensmanagement sind zwar verfügbar, verursachen aber häufig Kosten und stoßen auf wenig Akzeptanz bei den Projektmitarbeitern. Speziell in IT-Projekten ist die Ausnutzung der Möglichkeiten bereits vorhandener Anwendungssysteme eine mögliche Alternative. Die Autoren beschreiben, dass bei der Bundesrechenzentrum GmbH in Wien. Dort ein Ticketing- und Projektverfolgungssystem für Softwareentwickler, gemeinsam mit einem Confluence-Wiki nutzbringend für das Projektwissensmanagement eingesetzt wird.
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